Details: 16.8 transfer of bench mark either by dgps or using auto level (double levelling) by recording levels at 30 meter interval and marking temporary bench mark at suiatble location. for dgps survey raw data file and for auto level survey, level book along with value of bench mark, location and plotting of the survey data is to be submitted to the department.16.8.3 in plain area construction of pucca bench mark, muttam of size 30x30x75 cm in cement concrete (1:3:6) with maximum aggregate size of 40 mm with 75 cm long ms angle , size 25x25x5 mm embedded including curing transportation and fixing at site etc. complete with all leads and lifts. survey of command area to be developed with ts / dgps instrument at 30m grid or at nearer interval as per requirement of site and plotting of contours at 10 cm interval on shajra map, planning of water cource for ofd works and preparation of l-section of wc and drawings of nakka point, cd works etc.. preparation of chak planning booklet showing khasra
Sector: Irrigation