Details: misc. building materials powder (in stone aggregate, masonry work) m. 10 deephar/brick (for other than road work! 40mm print of 40mm diameter (hand broken grit) (voids cut 1/111) 200 manar 40mm print (broken from cross section with voids cut 1/11) 20mm print of 20mm thick stone (broken from cross section) 1100 strata 12/10/6mm print (broken from cross section) 1070 brick ballast cubic meter 170 road works material (including 5 km lead) 40mm crushed stone gravel (cut voids 1/11) 77 8 brick (22.5 x 11 x 7.50 cm) 8.1 first sani (1 st class) 8.2 second class (ii class) malig / kharja / masonry stone banai barda (rr) 6320mm crushed stone aggregate (voids cut 1/11) * 2100 45mm hand broken stone aggregate (voids cut 1/11) kdri ravera voids cut 1/6) 75 praval (voids cut 1/6) 7.6 kakar voids cut 1/6) fencing material (pi 4-6) (voids cut 1/6) mm 492 cm 470 cm cube 205 cubic meter 250 cubic meter 235 pcs pcs 55 1310 10 masonry rah (8)
Sector: RDPR