Details: nucleic acid extraction kit- silica based columns :- 1. silica based columns simultaneously purify viral rna/dna from fresh or frozen cell-free biological fluids (plasma, serum, cerebrospinal fluid) and cell culture supernatants.2. rapid and efficient purification of high-quality viral nucleic acid using spin column-based centrifugation with no sample cross-contamination3. specifically designed to purify viral rna and dna from ≤500 μl cell-free samples within 45 min4. ability to elute viral nucleic acids in low elution volumes of 10–50 μl to allow sensitive downstream analysis.5. kit binding capacity should not be less than 5 mg nucleic acid6. kit column reservoir capacity should be 700 μl or more,7. kit wash tube capacity should not be less than 2.0 ml 8. kit elution tube capacity should not be less than1.5 ml.9. kit should be capable of centrifuging at >10,000 × g.10. kit should be included all the necessary consumable reagent, plastic and other items.
Sector: Medical Education