Details: camping arrangement for supervision of "dgps/ets survey of 275 k.m. forest boundary on cadastral maps in nadia district under the nadia-murshidabad forest division" by the working plans (south) - i division, midnapore, during the f.y. 2024-2025. making temporary accommodation by setting camp including cleaning chilchilling the area and fitting fixing camp by engaging daily labour.3 dl per camp302/-906.00watching over the camp and camp equipments during day and night5 day x 2 =10 dl302/-3,020.0045supplying drinking water at camp5 days302/-1,510.00local hiring of thella/ van / engine van for carriage of instruments, soil, leaf etc. in remote areasl.s.1,500.00supplying of tea, tiffin & water for 5 nos. staffs @ rs. 155/- per day per head
Sector: Forest and Environment