Details: name of work: notice inviting e-tender for procurement of equipment, instrument, machineries, tools, softwares etc. related to laboratories and workshops of mechanical engineering, civil engineering, electrical engineering and pharmacy department of sree ramkrishna silpa vidyapith, suri, birbhumitem description2slide calipersscrew gaugeset up to measure radius of curvature of a convex/concave surface using spherometerset up to find the co-efficient of friction between wood and glass using a horizontal boardstandard quality hooke's law apparatusflywheel with shaftstoke’s law apparatus for viscosity measurementco-efficient of linear expansion of the material of a rod.boyle’s law apparatusstandard fortin’s barometerhydrostatic balanceset up to determine and verify the time period of oscillation of a cantileverset up to verify laws of refraction (snell’s law) using a glass slabset up to determine focal length and magnifying power of a convex lens by u-v methodset up to verify ohm’s law by
Sector: Science University