Details: part-a : supply and installation of electro mechanical accessories and other allied works supply & delivery of the following pumping machinery, electrical accessories etc. at site.a) submersible pumping machinery, directly coupled with suitable size water proof motor having following specifications. p u m pdischarge : 36 m3/h / 600 lpmh e a d : 58 mtr.s h a f t. : stainless steel.outlet size. : 75/100 mm.pump efficiency in percentage: minimum 65. m o t o r -submersible type, 3ph. 50hz, a.c.- 400volt +10%,wet type winding, rpm-2900.pump motor set must be bee standard energy star rating (3-5) as per is – 8034:2002make-ksb/texmo/approved make )n.b.;- (i) h/q characteristic curve of pump set should be submitted before delivery. (ii) test certificate of pump & motor should be submitted during delivery & g.c. 1.1 kv grade 4 x 3 core water proof flat submersible cable for above motor. (make: finolex/ gloster/ havells/ polycab
Sector: Water supply and Sewerage