Details: supplying jhaw / eucalyptus bullah piles at work site, includingdressing and making one end pointed.(iii) 15 cm av. diameternote: diameter of pile to be measured at a distance of 1.5m fromthe thicker end. cutting bullah by saw at level desired by the engineer-in-charge and marking the same by paint and stacking the same upto 60 metre lead and all lifts complete.(a) bullah of dia upto 15 cm. labour for driving jhaw / eucalyptus bullah piles by monkey in allsorts of soil including hoisting and placing piles in position,protecting the pile head with iron ring and cutting and shapingheads before and after driving and including hire and labour fornecessary driving appliances and all tackles.(iii) 15 cm av. diameter. supplying, fitting and fixing with iron nails half split bullah wailingpieces and cross pieces etc. complete with cost of all materials andcarriage to site.(a) width of thinner end above 10 cm. and less than 15 cm.(i) jhaw / eucalyptus. coal tarring with 5% pitch including cost
Sector: Irrigation