Details: dismantling all types of masonry excepting cement concrete plain or reinforced, stacking serviceable materials at site and removing as directed within a lead of 75 m. a) in ground floor including roof. dismantling r.c. floor, roof, beams etc. including cutting rods and removing as directed within a lead of 75 m. including stacking of steel bars. (a) in ground floor including roof. cutting uprooting and clearing jungles including shrubs, water weeds, bushes, trees, plants, upto 30 cm. girth including removing as directed by engineer-in-charge. removal of ,earth etc. from the working site and disposal of the same beyond the compound, in conformity with the municipal /corporation rules for such disposal, loading into truck and cleaning the site in all respect as per direction of engineer in charge earth work in excavation of foundation trenches or drains, in all sorts of soil (including mixed soil but excluding laterite or sandstone) including removing, spreading or stacking the sp
Sector: Urban Authority