Details: cutting kutcha drain of 600 mm wide and depth upto 300 mm, including disposal of excavated materialin embankment slopes within a lead of 50 m.(a) through ordinary soil dressing and chilchalling road flanks includingcutting and filling with earth up to 150 mm averagethickness finished with outward cross-grade of 1 in30.(extra quantity of earth for filling shall be obtained from road side borrow pits.) close bamboo walling made of 65mm to 75mm dia.bamboos (in single line) driven about half-length into the ground side by side, with stout stays at an interval of 1m, 3nos. of half split bamboo runner of same dia fitted and fixed with nails etc. complete as perdirection. (measurement to be taken along the length of piling after finishing the works).(ii) with bamboos of length above 2.0m & upto 2.50m supplying and filling empty cement bags with dry earth or sand,stitching the bag (cost of thread included) and carrying and placing them in position and all incidental charges complete including
Sector: PWD