Details: renovation to the quarter no b5a,b3bincluding allied works within kakdwipirrigation campus under kakdwipirrigation division i.c.w g.s.mela2025.(2nd call)4,88,429.00 9769.00 30 days g.s.mela-2025 -dosupply /carriage of materials = 02days.plastering work, renovation work=28 days2construction of temporary b.p. road forpilgrims from house of shuvankar das tohouse of ganesh khutia (part of p.r.-6and 6b) at kashtala, kachuberia pointunder kakdwip (i) division i.c.w g.s.mela- 2025. (2nd call)5,58,430.00 11169.00 10 days g.s.mela-2025 -dosupply /carriage of materials = work=09 days3m/r to damaged approach road ofexisting wooden bridge at kakdwipunder kakdwip irrigation division i.c.w.g.s. mela-2025(2nd call)5,34,796.00 10696.00 10 days g.s.mela-2025 -dosupply /carriage of materials = work=09 days4construction of b.f.s. shoulder on leftside of pilgrim road near jetty no. 2 toculvert for a length of 300 m andprotection of office pond with shifting ofscrap
Sector: Irrigation