Details: product category miscellaneous works item description2execution of sagar arati at sagar island i.c.w. ganga sagarmela 2025"execution of sagar arati at sagar island i.c.w. ganga sagarmela 2025 • pandit• assistant pandits• costume pandits and asst. pandits• women• women sante• dhabi• dhaki transport• dhaki/transit f&b• dhaki/stay• dhaki/fb• costume dhaki• program director• background score• background music production by renowned artist• composing fee• studio rental charges musicians• lyricist• artist fees (vocal, musician), compose, music director etc.• studio charges • artist's tlb• vo artist• recording f&b• choreographer• choreography team• dancers• dancer dress• katha kali• shiva• manipuri• dance props• choreographer team transportation• choreographer transit f&b• choreographer tean stay• choreographer tearn f & b• dance team transportation• dance team transit f&b• camphor• coconut skin• cotton• oil & ghee• women lar spreading flowers fee• men for spreading water fee• dress for wom
Sector: District Administration