Details: bee box with with stand for apiscerena suitable forhills(outer box should be made of toon wood &inner brooder chamber & honey compartmentchamber frame should be of teak wood)2 2,800 5,600 144 806,400- -ii. one live colony ofapiscerena suitable for hills 1 1,100 1,100 144 158,400- -iii. comb foundation sheet 140 40 144 5,760- -iv. smoker 1300 300 144 43,200- -v. face veil 1150 150 144 21,600- -vi. bee knife 1150 150 144 21,600- -vii. hive tools 1250 250 144 36,000- -viii. queen gate 125 25 144 3,600- -ix. queen excluder 1250 250 144 36,000- -x. honey extractor 1 1,700 1,700 14 23,800
Sector: Agriculture Dept