Details: solar light inst. sanitary napkin providing & fixing concrete sign board as per irc specification of size 900 x 750 x 37 mm. thick made with rcc 1:1½:3 with pakur variety stone chips reinforced with double layer irc febric (75 x 75 mm.mesh) and fixed with necessary nuts & bolts on two rc precast posts 100 mm. x 150 mm. of height 2.65m. of which top 750 mm. is of section 100 x 13 mm.and 1.90 metre above gl & 0.75 metre below gl including digging hole, repacking the same with cement concrete 1:3:6 with jhama khoa or with local stone chips etc. complete including painting two coats on both faces lettering sign marks etc. as per direction of the engineer-in-charge. (the rate is inclusive of cost of reinforcement, concrete, shuttering, nuts & bolts, washer etc. complete.) gst (12%) l cess (1%)
Sector: Zilla Parishad