Details: :form no. t-609. written permission given by the guard to driver when the engine or portion of a train is allowed to proceed to the next station from mid-section.. books of 50 leaves in duplicate(50x2 foils).1)unit- number of books, 2)size: 215x305mm,plus/minus 5mm,3) printing paper: white map litho 60 gsm, i.s. no. 1848/part(1) 2018 or latest amendment,4) printing-one side printing in blue ink, numbering in black ink, printing matterto be collected from consignee, 5) binding- top two stitching by 20 gauge wire with brown kraft paper cover of 110 gsm of i.s no 1397/90 grade-ii(mg), 6) sample- one sample for printing, binding and finishing to be got approved from consignee before bulk printing ,7) packing: each pack will contain ten plus ten total twenty books. eachten books must be wrapped in more than 50 micron transparent poly propylene foil or bag as suitable as approved by govt. and packed in suitable size of five ply corrugated cartoon box with proper label (printing size 48pt.) o
Sector: Railways