Details: Sr.No. Item Description1SITC of S. D. S. for Sust,, Net 0, TPM and Reliability forVarious WS P- 1 Job.1. Triaxial Accelerationa. Range +0.001 g to ±64 g (Range should be user configurablebased on asset requirement)b. Transverse Sensitivity: 2% Typicalc. Frequency Response: 8000Hz or better on axial and 5000Hzor better on radial axis.d. FFT: 1600 LOR or better2. Temperaturea. Range: -40°C to +125°Cb. Accuracy: ±1 °C (0°C to + 70°C)c. Repeatability: ±1 °C at - 0°C to + 70°C3. Magnetic Fluxa. Range: Tri-axial ±16 gauss or betterb. Sampling Rate: 1kHz or better4. Ultrasound Omnidirectional 20KHz - 80KHz (RMS) withspectrum and overall dBm levels5. RPM (Based on Magnetometer or Hall effect) with accuracyof ±2%6. Runhours- should be able to detect machine run hours andon/off events● IP67 and enclosure made of PTFE (To resist mostpetrochemicals) and stainless steel SS316.● Storage Temperature: -40°C to 85°C● Operating Temperature: -40°C to 85°C● Certification: FCC, CE, UL, RoHS Compliant, Atex
Sector: Industry Development