Details: renovation to kalorana v.t. taa. babra jungle clearance (ganda baval etc.) of light / heavy dence (work done by manually or by machinery) including grabbing of removing of & removing the roots & girth completely from the ground & back fill with earth & making surface good as directed including depositing & removing the material away from the site of work at own risk and cost as and where directed etc completed for following. (b) heavy density. 8650,00 unit sqmt 31140 2. excavation in all sort of strata and formation incl. depositing the unuseful excavated stuff as and where directed including sorting and stacking useful materials in measurable condition as directed up to 200 mt. lead and all lift etc. complete including dewatering 100.00 cm 74.00 7400,00 3. 122,00 cm (a) in overburden incl.hard murrum. prov. & laying in position "nominal mix' cement concrete using cement, sand and crushed aggregate by machine mix incl. necessary form works centering scaffolding compaction by mechanic
Sector: Water Resource Department