Details: name of work :2nd call 2nd annual maintenance of sheradi water resources project for the year 2024-25 maintenance of earthen dam by cleaning theslope of e. dam within the dam boundary incl.gutter (drains) by removing the bushes,shrubs, girth and small trees includingdepositing the materials as and where directedup to 50 mt. lead and all lift etc. complete.(throughout the year).106880.00 3.70 395456.002 the work of providing labour services forchokidar for control cabin and general lookout dam site and watch out of dam premisesfor the year 2024-25 and providing unskilledlabour services for flood cell work as perinstruction of vengineer in charge.636.00 mandays 529.00 336444.003 providing skilled labour service for controlroom at dam site for flood cell-2025 for floodmonitoring, rain measuring, flood levelmeasuring work etc. complete as perinstruction of engineer in charge.306.00 mandays 553.00 169218.004 filling the empty bag filled with good selected
Sector: Water Resource Department