Details: Pyriproxyfen 0.5% GR 1. Should be approved by NVBDCP and should be CIB Reg. WHOapproved Low toxicity2. Low Environment impact.3. Product should be odor less and non staining4. 24 months shelf life. During the supply should have minimal 20months of shelf life. If product not used and shelf life of productexpires same should be replaced free of cost by supplier withfresh stocks.5. Packing 500 grams of 10 kg shipper packing.6. Product being used by municipal bodies/Govt agencies for thepublic health purposes.350 Kg2.Temephos 50% EC 1. Should be approved by NVBDCP and should be CIB Reg.2. Low toxicity3. Low environment impact4. High LD 50 value5. Product should have ISI mark & WHO specified.6. Product being used by municipal bodies/Govt agencies for thepublic health purposes.7. 24 month shelf life. During the supply should have minimal 20months of shelf life. If product not used and shelf life of productexpires same should be replaced free of cost by supplier withfresh stocks.640 ltrs.3. B