Details: technical specification for general instrument set hohman lever short narrow tip width 8mm, length220mm 6 2 hohman lever short narrow tip width 18mm, length235mm 6 3 hohman lever long narrow tip hohman lever with wide tip width 18mm, length235mm 6 4 width 22mm, length250mm 6 5 hohman lever with long wide tip width 24mm, length270mm 6 8 cancellous impactors 6.0mm, round 4 6 cancellous impactors cancellous impactors 8.0mm, round 4 7 rectangular 6x 16mm 4 8 cancellous impactors rectangular 10x 20mm 4 9 cancellous impactors rasps flat rectangular rectangular 10x 30mm 4 3 10 11 hammer large with wooden handle 500gm 6 12 hammer large with wooden handle 700gm for cancellous graft straight 4 13 gouge gouge for cancellous graft curved l. 265, width5,10,15 mm 4 each 4 each 14 1. 265, width5,10,15 mm 15 curette with right angled tip 16.5 cm. and medium size oval
Sector: Medical Education