Details: all general specifications for technical items will be as per standard norms and practice as laid down by mpcb. operation & maintenance of stp such as operation of pumps, valves of all functional units, pumping out of waste or treated water during break down of stp, cleaning of tanks, maintaining register for breakdown of pumps/stp, results of tests of inlet and outlet water samples, removal, drying and spreading of sludge from drying beds to plants in the premises, entire cleaning & up keeping of premises, chlorine dozing, cleaning of entire stp premises daily and etc., as per the direction of eic. (3 no of operator should have knowledge of stp operation and maintenance) supply of all chemical required on quarterly basis. cost shall be inclusive of all jerry can, delivery at khs sewagram or as per instructions. supply of all spares for electromechanical equipment’s which are essential for day to day smooth operation of stp plant including pumps, blowers, dosing pump, gear box motor,
Sector: Medical Education