Schedule 1 HARDWOOD SAWN TIMBER: (Chock Sleepers, - 91377146
The Manganese Ore India Limited has published a tender for "Schedule 1 HARDWOOD SAWN TIMBER: (Chock Sleepers, Planks Buttons Hangers) . ChockSleepers: Size Range,Schedule 2 HARDWOOD SAWN TIMBER: Foot Board, Size Range: 1’ 8” X 6” To 9” X 2½ ” , Head Board, Size,Schedule 3 HARDWOOD SAWN TIMBER: Wedges, Size Range: 9” To 15” X 6” X 3” . Species For Above Timber:,Schedule 4 HARDWOOD ROUND TIMBER: 46 To 60 Cms Girth(Props) , Size Range: Girth 46cm+ Upto 14cm & Le,Schedule 5 HARDWOOD ROUND TIMBER: 66 To 70 Cms Girth (cap &struct) , Size Range: 66 Cm+ Upto 4 Cm, 6,Schedule 6 HARDWOOD ROUND TIMBER: 71 Cms & Above Girth (Post) , Size Range: 71 Cm+ Upto 19 Cm, 86 Cm,Schedule 7 MINE SERVICE ITEMS: Steaming Rods 1.5 Mt. , Size Range: 6’ X 7/8” , Species For Above Tim,Schedule 8 MINE SERVICE ITEMS: Handles For , Pick-axe Hammers Etc. , Size Range: 3’ X 2½ ” X 2½,Schedule 9 MISC. ITEMS: Wooden Spacer, Size Range: 1½ '' X 2: " To 3" .,Schedule 10 BALLIES Girth 21 Cms & Above, Size Range: Girth - 21 Cm+ Upto 9 Cm, Length 12'' & Above,,Schedule 11 Sarai Wood, Size Range: 8 Ft X 8”" on the 27 Feb 2024. This tender belongs to Logs category. This tender is published in Nagpur, Maharashtra location. The vendors interested in this tender and related Logs tenders can obtain further details by registering in the Tendersniper web portal. Upon registration, Tendersniper sends regular tender alerts by email specifically addressing the user requirements (i.e., keywords, location and value range). Government business is a growing area of opportunity. The businesses are encouraged to actively monitor tender opportunities and participate in them to grow their business.
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Logs tender analytics
During the time period (November 2019 - November 2020), a total of 19 Logs tenders were published in Industries and Factories sector.
The top spend areas in the Nagpur district during the October 2023 - January 2024 quarter are: Road Construction, CC Road, Road Relaying.
To get access to Industries and Factories tender
Tender Details
Sector: Industries and Factories