Details: clinical pathology routine- ph,specific gravity, sugar, protein and microscopy 24 hrs for proteins, sodium, creatinine -microalbumin quantitative albumin / sugar bile pigment and salt urobilinogen ketones occult blood total proteins bence jones protein stool routine stool occult blood post smear examination analysis body fluid (csf/ascitic fluid etc.) sugar, protein etc. albumin creatinine clearance haematology haemoglobin (hb) total leucocytic count (tlc) differential leucocytic count (dlc) e.s.r. total red cell count with mcv, mch, mchc, drw complete haemogram - hb, rbc count and indices, tlc, dlc, platelet, esr, peripheral smear examination platelet count reticulocyte count absolute eosinophil count packed cell volume (pcv) peripheral smear examination smear for malaria parasite bleeding & clotting time clot retraction time r.b.c. fragility test l.e. cell foetal haemoglobin (hb-f) prothrombin time (p.t.) marrow smear exmination marrow smear exmination with
Sector: Insurance