Details: providing and applying tack coat on the prepared surface heating by fames in boiler and spraying bitumen set footed in bitumen boller on b.t. surface 2.5 kg/10 sqm.(vg-10 bulk bitumen rates are considered to arrive at rates) bituminous concrete: - providing and laying bituminous concrete using crushed aggregates of grading 1, premixed with bituminous binder @ 5.40 per cent by weight of total mix and filler, transported to site with vts , laid over a previously prepared surface, finished to the required grade, level, alignment, and rolling to achieve the desired compaction for 50 mm compacted thickness with specified grade of bitumen, excluding prime / tack coat. for bitumen of specified grade -- using batch mix type hot mix plant without scada, sensor paver, vibratory roller with stone dust filler. (vg-40 bulk bitumen rates are considered to arrive at rates)
Sector: Road development