Details: general civil repairs work at g/south building excavtion in earth p/l dry rubble packing providing brick masonary p/l 1:2:4 c.c.concrete providing and fixing granite for ramp p/f s s railing p/f flush door providing & fixing false ceiling p/f wallpaper p/f mild steel providing and placing lounge chair are made of steel pipe p/f aluminium composite sheet of 3 mm thick either suspended orfixed bracketed on wall with u.v digital printing at suitable locnincluding all necessary framework completed as per detaileddrawings to be issued during construction & as directed by theengineer. providing and fixing signage made 15mm thick solid white acyrlic laser cut out letters for hight up to 25" etc complete. p/f door closer the steel cupboard shall be of size 1980mm (h) (+/-25mm) x 900mm (w) (+/-25mm) x 450 (d) (+/-25mm)made in 20 swg m.s crca sheet with 4 equal shelves. ground clearance of 150mm shall be provided.cupboard shall have 2 nos. of equal open able shutters with 5 mm thick clear glas
Sector: Municipality