Details: providing following materials for work constructing cement concrete road smashanbhumi at koregaon tal shrigonda dist ahmednagar mr6209 rubble mr6204 stone ware pipe 150mm dia 0810 murum 0054 vribratory roller 8 to 10 tonne 0057 water tanker 5 to 6 kl capacity 0002 hire charges of concrete mixer 0.25 to 0.40 with hopper 0012 ( needle type 40mm 0296 stone agreegate (single size) 12.5mm nominal size 0295 stone agreegate (single size) 20 mm nominal size 0983 fine sand zone iv 0367 portland cement 0982 coarse sand zone iii mr6305 water mr6207 shuttering centaring
Sector: RDPR