Details: repairs & reconditioning of reduction gear box o : 600,ratio 60 : 1 for rg alignment of gear train for r.g.(12 x 5.5 m - 3 no). for hoist 20 t.cap. repairs to cabin (shed) of rg hoist @ pick-up-dam & cabin of eg @ fore-bay dam cleaning of gate slots with the help of divers & sundry material repairs & maintenence to cr gate radial type of size 4.5 x 5.5 m. @ diversion canal of bhira project repairing of railing for canal bed of c.r.gate electrification work @ diversion canal & diversion wier gates at bhira project. transportation chargestransportation charges by 7.5 m t cap truck charges (distance for transportation approximate 75 km. so for to & fro distance = 2 x 75 = 150 km x 2 trip
Sector: Water Resource Department