Details: description0 - 30v / 2a dual tracking & 5v / 2a fixed power supplytrainer kit for ce configuration bjttrainer kit for single stage & multistage bjt amplifiertrainer kit for ujt,fet,mosfetpower and differential amplifierhartley and colpitt oscillatorswien bridge oscillatorsoperational amplifier trainer kitpower supply trainer analog circuits development platform kirchhoff's current and voltage law trainer network theorems trainer kittransient analysis of rc/rl circuitstransient analysis of rlc circuittwo port network traineradders and subtractors trainer multiplexer and demultiplexer trainerencoder and decoder trainerflip-flop trainer kitcounter trainershift registers trainerlogic gates trainertrainer kits for digital icsbread board development systemuniversal ic testerarduino uno r3 boardraspberry pi 4 boardnodemcu esp8266 boardwireless sensors modules
Sector: Science University