Details: tender title30113 - "ent instrument - plasma wand for coblation surgerysystem -for soft palate, tongue base reduction and for palatouvuloplasty. thewand/s should be based and designed for coblation surgery system technology for entapplications ent application wand/s should have capability of producing plasma inpresence of saline medium. the coblation should have channeling wand the probesshould have integrated cable and electrodes made of tungsten for durability. the probesshould have malleable shaft so as to provide access to difficult to reach areas. suctionprobes should have the integrated tubings. probes with dual function of coblation andshrinkage should have depth markers and limiters on shaft. compatible withconsole of smith & nephew"description :30113 - "ent instrument - plasma wand for coblation surgery system -for soft palate, tongue base reduction and for palatouvuloplasty. the wand/s should be based and designed for coblation surgery system technology for ent applications e
Sector: Railways