Details: 01 inj rabies vaccine rabies vaccine purified vero cell vaccine/ purified chickembryo cell culture vaccine/ human diploid cell culturerabies vaccine**the vaccine vial/ ampoule should be accompanied with suitablediluent in the packing02 in] influenzavaccineinj influenza vaccine inactivated tetravalent03 inj human albumin inj human albumin zo%ip.1.oomlo4 dinoprostone gel each tube/ syringe to contain o.smg dinoprostone0s inj tetanus toxoid each 0.5m1to contain: tatanus toxoid: >5lf to < 25 lf06 injection ferriccarboxy maltoseeach ml to contain: ferric carboxy maltose eqv. toelemental iron somg-1oml vial
Sector: Research center