Details: clearing and grubbing road land including uprooting rank by manual means in area of light jungle vegetation, grass, bushes, shrubs, saplings and trees girth up to 300 mm, removal of stumps of trees cut earlier and disposal of unserviceable materials and stacking of serviceable material to be used or auctioned, including removal and disposal of top organic soil not exceeding 150 mm in thickness;excavation and removal of silt and silt mixed with sand from canal bed by manual means including disposing off the same in spoil bank or on the canal embankment in layers as directed with all other ancillary operations complete. in dry condition;earth work excavation for foundation by mechanical means for all works & depth upto 3 m, as per drawing and technical specifications, including setting out, shoring, strutting, barricading, caution lights, including dressing of excavated surfaces, disposing off or levelling the excavated earth or sorting & stacking the selected earth for reuse in a radius
Sector: Water supply and Sewerage