Details: road marking with hot applied thermoplastic compound with reflectorising glass beads on bituminous surface - providing and laying of hot applied thermoplastic compound 2.5 mm thick including reflectorising glass beads @ 250 g/m2 area, thickness of 2.5 mm is exclusive of surface applied glass beads as per irc:35:2015.the finished surface to be level, uniform and free from streaks and holes. ref to mort&h : irc - 803 ---- including cost and conveyance of all materials labour hom of machineries, equipment, lead and lift, loading and unloading charges, transportation and all other incidental charges etc., complete, the work shall be carried out as per standard technical detailed specifications and as per the directions of the engineer in charge of the work;supplying and fixing of molded shank raised pavement markers / cats eye made of polycarbonate and abs moulded body and reflective panels with micro prismatic lens capable of providing total internal reflection of the light entering the l
Sector: PWD