Details: supplying, installation, testing and commissioning of solar hot water heater comprising of solar flat plate collector of size 2120x1040x100mm and stainless steel hot water storage tank with stainless steel heat exchanger absorber made of copper sheet and copper tube of following capacity aluminum box collector with appropriate capacity electrical back up arrangement excluding inlet and out let pipes. ss model with 100mm thick of 48kg/m3 density rock wool insulation with 22swg aluminum cladding. 300 lpd for dormitory & quarters ---- including all lead and lift charges, loading and unloading charges, labour charges, all incidental charges, hire charges of all men and machinery and equipments required for successful completion of work etc., complete. the work shall be executed as per standard technical specifications and as per the directions of the engineer in charge of the work.;supplying, installation, testing and commissioning of solar hot water heater comprising of solar flat plate c
Sector: Education Misc