Details: part-a: extension of 1 no's 11 kv line 3x400 sqmm ug cable from proposed sub station to the layout entrance11 kv lightning arrestors for dp structure;11 kv class 3c x 400 sqmm xlpe cable (round armoured) 2run;straight through jointing kit hs type suitable for 3 x 400 sqmm cable;cable termination kit out door hs type suitable for 3 x 400 sqmm cable;cable termination kit indoor hs type suitable for 3 x 400 sqmm cable;rcc hume pipe 2000mm long 150mm dia;collors for rcc hume pipe;sand;gi pipe 150mm dia for cable raising;route and joint indicating stones;cable covering tiles 250x125x40mm;labour charges fixinig of labour charges lightning arrestor;cable trench excavation 1000x0.6x1 mtr in an ordinary soil;hard rock (common sr item no 1.21.5-page no.11) 450x0.6x1 mtr;laying of cable in trench 3 x 400 sqmm;refilling and consolidation;making of straight through joint;making of cable termination kit;covering the cable with tiles;spreading sand and forming with sand round the cable;laying of hume
Sector: Buildings