Details: ftk training and handholding to vwsc women members at gp level and ftk results entry in the wqmis. (per person cost rs 250) (521 vwscs)-2604.0-specification:refer attached tender document ;training. strengthening and continue follow up for activating the vwsc at gp level for hgj declaration villages. (per person cost rs 500) (521 vwscs)-5208.0-specification:refer attached tender document ;training to pri members at district level (zpm, tpm and gpm) at zp level (rs 1000 per person/per day). (9 programme)-513.0-specification:refer attached tender document ;workshop at district level (rs 1000 per person/per day). (5 programme)-249.0-specification:refer attached tender document ;har ghar jal declaration, conduting special gram sabhas, video documentation and imis upload.-493.0-specification:refer attached tender document ;exhibition on conservation of water & protection of water sources. etc..(svs/mvs/gwm/fsm/gobhar dhan/rwh/gwr)3d models with information kiosk)-5.0-specification:refer att
Sector: Water supply and Sewerage