Custom Bid for Services - Tender No 3900001374 Ser - 111874011

The Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Limited has published a tender for "Custom Bid for Services - Tender No 3900001374 Service code 1054578 Bidder has to quote lumpsum amount for total quantity as per BOQ excluding GST in GEMfor 1st year,Custom Bid for Services - Service code 1054579 Bidder has to quote lumpsum amount for total quantity as per BOQ excluding GST in GEMfor 1st year,Custom Bid for Services - Service code 1054578 Bidder has to quote lumpsum amount for total quantity as per BOQ excluding GST in GEMfor 2nd year,Custom Bid for Services - Service code 1054579 Bidder has to quote lumpsum amount for total quantity as per BOQ excluding GST in GEMfor 2nd year,Custom Bid for Services - Service code 1054578 Bidder has to quote lumpsum amount for total quantity as per BOQ excluding GST in GEMfor 3rd year,Custom Bid for Services - Service code 1054579 Bidder has to quote lumpsum amount for total quantity as per BOQ excluding GST in GEMfor 3rd year" on the 10 Dec 2024. This tender belongs to Sampling services category. This tender is published in Dakshina Kannada, Karnataka location. The vendors interested in this tender and related Sampling services tenders can obtain further details by registering in the Tendersniper web portal. Upon registration, Tendersniper sends regular tender alerts by email specifically addressing the user requirements (i.e., keywords, location and value range). Government business is a growing area of opportunity. The businesses are encouraged to actively monitor tender opportunities and participate in them to grow their business.

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 Tender Details

Details: sample testing frequency12102 stripper feed (10-sn-01)parametertotal sulphur total nitrogenponachloride distillation moisturetesting frequencyshiftdayonce/daymorning shiftevery dayonce/daythrice/weeklymorning shiftmonday, wednesday, fridaydensity metalonce/werkmorning shiftmonday2oxygen stripper off gas (10-sn- 03)rgathrice/weekrelative denisty mol. wlonce/dayevening shifttuesday, thursday, saturdayoxygen stripper. sour wir (10-sn-04)ph iron3thrice/weekmorning shifttuesday, thursday, saturdayonce/day13rga4recycle gas (10-sn-05)sour water (10-sn-06)once/dayrelative denisty mol. wt.once/dayevening shiftevery dayph iron5once/day10riche amine (10-sn-13)once/weck1112lean amine (10-sn-14)amine scrub off gas (10-sn-15)once/weekamine h25amine h2sonce/daymoming shiftwednesdaymorning shiftonce/daywednesdayrgathrice/weekrelative denisty mol. wtonce/dayevening shifttuesday, thursday, saturdayfuel gas mixing drum (10-sn-40)rga131415recycle gas (11-sn-02)debutanizer off ga

Sector: Custom1

Published Date10 Dec 2024
Tender Estimate Value0.0
Due Date Login to view Due Date
Earnest Money Deposit(EMD)INR XXXX
Processing Fee 0
Document Sale Start Date XX-XX-XXXX
Document Sale End DateXX-XX-XXXX
Tender Opening DateXX-XX-XXXX
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