Details: cataract sets (sics)-12.0-as per tender specifications:as per tender specifications ;eye trolly drapes-1200.0-as per tender specifications:as per tender specifications ;needles 26 g -klr-1200.0-as per tender specifications:as per tender specifications ;inj visco-1200.0-as per tender specifications:as per tender specifications ;intra carneral moxifloxacine-1200.0-as per tender specifications:as per tender specifications ;ophthalmic sutures(8-0 or 10-0) nylon-1200.0-as per tender specifications:as per tender specifications ;inj. xylocaine 2% with adernaline-1200.0-as per tender specifications:as per tender specifications ;moxifloxacin-d eye drops with 0.3% dexamethasone-1200.0-as per tender specifications:as per tender specifications ;flubiprofen eye drops -klr-1200.0-as per tender specifications:as per tender specifications ;trodicamide plus eye drops -klr-1200.0-as per tender specifications:as per tender specifications ;inj. trypan blue -klr-1200.0-as per the tender document:as per the
Sector: Medical and Health