Details: class roomdeskssupply of class room desks of size4 ½' long made of 1" ms mediumgauge square pipe frame with threecoats synthetic enemel paint, teakwood ¾" thick seat of 14" width,desktop 3" flat and 12" with atotal of 15" width with steel bookshelf and back support of width 6"teak wood, well polished, includingcost and conveyance of allmaterials, transportaion charges todravidian university campus andall taxes etc complete makes :boystown, or its equivalent / similar/ standard specification withcatalogue of godrej / featherlite /wipro / royaloak / ikea / inti.nos 4502 executivetablesupply of executive table of sizelength 5 ½’ width 3’ height 2 ½’with steel body, one side threedrawers, other side cupboard unit,18mm plywood top pasted withdecolum and teak wood beading allaround with grey paintedmakes : godrej (t-104) or itsequivalent / similar / standardspecification with catalogue offeatherlite / wipro / boystown /royaloak / ikea / intinos 203 classroomtablessupply of class room table
Sector: University