Details: 120.00 mtr length internal road excavation of foundation in laterite rock or any hard rock (other than granite or disintigrated rock) removed by chiselling including dressing and levelling the bed not exceeding 1.5m in depth and depositing the soil within initial lead of 50m and as per specification approved by the department. cutting of disintegrated rock not required blasting to be removed by pick axes and crow bars and depositing materials within 50m intial lead and 1.5m intial lift including rough dressing as per direction and speciefication of the department including stacking the useful materials separately as ordered. supplying, providing, laying in approved layer thickness rto line grade cross section and constructing granulqar sub-base coarse graded ii as shown in the drawing using crushed strone aggregate conforming to grading specified in table 400-1 & 400-1 a & in accordance with physical requirement in bs 812 part iii technical specification part 1/ii of specification for
Sector: Industry Development