Details: cc road cutting & its stacking old materials including supply of lab,t&p all comp. cutting of interlocking & its stacking old materials including supply of lab,t&p all comp. excavation of trenches in mixed soil including supply of lab, t&p etc all comp. providing close timbering all comp punchering of 300mm dia s.l. concrete work in 12:6:1 with all comp making barricating arrangement with sal ballies lab, t&p etc all comp. 1st class brick work with 1:4 cement sand mortar including supply of lab, mat, t&p etc all comp. 15 mm thick plaster with 1:4 cement sand mortor including supply of lab mat t&p etc all comp. providing bier to retain sewage water etc all comp. rcc work cement, c.sand & stone ballast in slab etc all comp mild steel or iron work in slab. bailing out of water with 5 h.p diesel pump including all accessories comp. cast, cement, concrete for seat fixing of m.h. in 1:2:4 cement, sand, stone including supply of lab, mat, t&p etc all comp s/l/j of rcc hume pipe 250 mm dia
Sector: RDPR