Details: servicing and overhauling of 630 amps, 6.0 kv ocb dismantling the rack from the housing, opening the components, necessary cleaning of the component, carbonised portion, changing of rubber gasket, defective parts, cleaning of all mechanism parts and lubricating the mechanism, opening of c.t. & p.t.s., busbar spout assembly cleaning the same and insulated properly by supply of c.t.c. etc. and refifling all the parts to its original position by making all relevant electrical connection,panel wiring etc. for satisfactory & operation. supply & fixing of 2a, sp, 10ka, c curve mcb (make -legrand/siemens/l&t) in exsting panel for control panel of above said ocb. taking out sample of oil from power/ voltage transformer and carrying out chemical test of oil in respect of its acidity test through reputed test house and submission of test report. taking out sample of oil from power/ voltage transformer, ocb, p.t and carrying out b.v te
Sector: Infrastructure