Details: item description/ heading male, female insulator for isolator portion copper busbar with heat sink tube insulation 3 set with supply of necessary spares supply of electronics earth leakage relay with cbt (110v) repairing of potential transformer 11kv/110v with supply of se copper wire and required materials with labour charges. new fittings of h.t. p.t. fuse new supply of ctr 100/5, 11kv grade moulded type supply of shunt trip coil assy. complete wiring for potential circuits with supply of ht tapes, pvc wire, hrc fuse, ring socket, terminals, connector, indicator, lamp holder, casing, etc. mechanical repg. for closing & tripping system and supply fo necessary spares and missing damaged nuts, bolts, washer with body painting. labour charges for complete overhauling, fitting of parts, testing and overhead with supervision cost. total impact of gst for the purpose of ctc
Sector: Mining